“Our Week of Dhikr : Women’s Menses”
As a Christian I was raised in a fairly conservative church, (as far as protestant Christian churches go). Nothing like the evangelical churches that are
As a Christian I was raised in a fairly conservative church, (as far as protestant Christian churches go). Nothing like the evangelical churches that are
I’m often asked what it was that made me become Muslim. That “one thing” that really convinced me that Islam was truth. Honestly there were
Bana sık sık sorulan sorudur, müslüman olmamı sağlayan şey neydi? Bu ‘’bir şey’’ beni Islamın hakikat olduğuna beni ikna etmişti. Dürüst olmak gerekirse, çok fazla
Müslüman olduktan yaklaşık bir yıl sonra, en yakın arkadaşlarımdan birisi ziyaretime geldi. Üniversitede tanışıp, yakın arkadaş olmuştuk. Mezun olduğumuzdan ve başka bir şehre taşındığımdan beri
There are so many things that I wish you had known. It would have saved so much frustration and pain, likewise there would have been