jenny molendyk


We live in a time where we depend on social acceptance and “likes” to validate our efforts. So what happens when we are alone with just ourselves? Can we find that motivation within ourselves to succeed when something is hard or when we don’t have an audience? Is our relationship

Thrown a Lifeline (Turkçe)

Bana sık sık sorulan sorudur, müslüman olmamı sağlayan şey neydi? Bu ‘’bir şey’’ beni Islamın hakikat olduğuna beni ikna etmişti. Dürüst olmak gerekirse, çok fazla tesadüf, düşüncelerimi kurcalayan sohbetler, inanılmaz insanlar ve karşılık bulmuş yalvarışlar vardı. Bu aklımda dönüp duran ve görmezden gelemediğim ‘bir şey’ Kuran’dı. Bir Hristiyan olarak bana

Thrown a lifeline.

I’m often asked what it was that made me become Muslim. That “one thing” that really convinced me that Islam was truth. Honestly there were many incidents and thought provoking conversations, incredible people and answered supplications. The one thing that does stick out in my mind as a proof that